GREEN WISE envisions a world in which all people can access and enjoy the beauty of nature, just as it was always meant to be.
From our headquarters in Tokyo, GREEN WISE provides specialist design services to clients in Japan and abroad. With a mission to landscape cities with plant life, and create new growth models for the regeneration of urban environments. GREEN WISE develops landscape strategies to transform rooftops and courtyards into vibrant green spaces and create vertical gardens, grow walls and urban microclimates to depollute city air. A specialist team of designers, gardeners and florists at GREEN WISE follow our ‘Slow Green’ philosophy, using seasonal flowers and locally-grown plants to create environments that uplift and inspire. GREEN WISE is spreading Slow Green globally, and welcomes opportunities to align our interests with other ‘slow’ businesses. As our philosophies spread in Italy and internationally, GREEN WISE are finding ways to ensure that the natural world can be enjoyed for years to come.
– Why did the company decide to participate in the project?
GREEN WISE is launching our Slow Green concept, which places the beauty of nature and the importance of well-being at the centre of design. We want to help people acquire healthy and sustainable lifestyles through the appreciation of organic flowers, clean water and fresh air, and pass those values on to the next generation. GREEN WISE is spreading this concept globally, and welcome opportunities to partner with like-minded companies.
– When you design your products, where do you get your inspiration?
Our inspiration is nature itself. We connect people with nature, and link design to the great outdoors. As conscientious caretakers of the natural world, GREEN WISE promotes the beauty of plants, encourages biodiversity and works in harmony with the seasons. Our inspiration is reflected in the gardens and landscapes we design for urban planners and architects, which form biological habitats and microclimate zones that regenerate the city.
– What is the brand value that is represented in your project?
GREEN WISE does not promote ‘brand values’ as such, because our approach is born out of our philosophy. Our company was founded 112 years ago, based on a commitment to natural products, renewable resources and minimal waste. Our founders were early pioneers of sustainability. They believed that designing with living materials is to work with the life force itself, and we continue to uphold their vision today.
Green Wise Co., Ltd.
2-2-2 Sannoshita, Tama-shi, Tokyo 206-0042, Japan
Tokyo-based GREEN WISE provides specialist design services to clients in Japan and abroad. GREEN WISE transforms architectural spaces into vibrant green environments and designs vertical gardens, grow walls and urban microclimates to depollute city air. GREEN WISE established the Slow Green philosophy, using locally-grown flowers and plants to create environments that uplift and inspire.

Copper flower stopper with slow flowers
#ceramic #japanesecraft #moderncraft #japanesedesign #slowgreen #organicflower #ecofriendly
Size: W400 D120mm H180mm Material: hand-woven copper Designer: Shigeo Mashiro (creative director, Sfera) for GREEN WISE Handmade in Japan (copper stopper)

Bamboo basket with slow flowers
#ceramic #japanesecraft #moderncraft #japanesedesign #slowgreen #organicflower #ecofriendly
Size: W550 D455 H590mm Material: Bamoboo Designer :Shigeo Mashiro (creative director, Sfera) for GREEN WISE Handmade in Japan(basket)

Vine baskets with slow flowers
#ceramic #japanesecraft #moderncraft #japanesedesign #slowgreen #organicflower #ecofriendly
Size: W570mm D540mm H400mm Material: Hand-woven vine Designer: Shigeo Mashiro (creative director, Sfera) for GREEN WISE Handmade in Japan(basket)